Wednesday, December 31, 2014

fatefulcross: Don't touch the hole.
lolschav16: what are you talking about?
fatefulcross: I know that it's there, Lollie.
fatefulcross: The rest of us have a big fucking void in the middle of our rooms, too.
fatefulcross: Just don't go through the hole.
lolchav16: but it's calling my name! :0
lolchav16: what's with you and holes, anyway? you have this weird thing where you won't go anywhere near something if it involves holes. you would reeeeally hate swiss cheese.
fatefulcross: Shut up. I have a bad experience with holes.
lolchav16: tell me more.
fatefulcross: Look, Lols, trust me. H-W jumped in there and it was not a pretty sight.
lolchav16: so you're at h-w's place? i thought you said she was a waste of your time.
fatefulcross: Nah. She's texting us from inside the hole. She won't tell us anything other than how horrible it looks.
lolchav16: sounds like her. 
lolchav16: some weird kinda narrator is talking to me. i suppose that's the hole's doing, too?
fatefulcross: Probably. I wouldn't be in the same room as that ditch.
lolchav16: ditch the ditch, then?
fatefulcross: Ditch the ditch.
lolchav16: what am i supposed to do once i ditch the ditch? is there some place i should go as shelter from this pit of doom?
fatefulcross: It doesn't seem like creeps are gonna start crawling out of the cavity any time soon, so you can probably just hang out in a bathroom playing sudoku or some shit.
lolchav16: sounds like a good way to evade the crater. 

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