Wednesday, December 31, 2014

fatefulcross: Don't touch the hole.
lolschav16: what are you talking about?
fatefulcross: I know that it's there, Lollie.
fatefulcross: The rest of us have a big fucking void in the middle of our rooms, too.
fatefulcross: Just don't go through the hole.
lolchav16: but it's calling my name! :0
lolchav16: what's with you and holes, anyway? you have this weird thing where you won't go anywhere near something if it involves holes. you would reeeeally hate swiss cheese.
fatefulcross: Shut up. I have a bad experience with holes.
lolchav16: tell me more.
fatefulcross: Look, Lols, trust me. H-W jumped in there and it was not a pretty sight.
lolchav16: so you're at h-w's place? i thought you said she was a waste of your time.
fatefulcross: Nah. She's texting us from inside the hole. She won't tell us anything other than how horrible it looks.
lolchav16: sounds like her. 
lolchav16: some weird kinda narrator is talking to me. i suppose that's the hole's doing, too?
fatefulcross: Probably. I wouldn't be in the same room as that ditch.
lolchav16: ditch the ditch, then?
fatefulcross: Ditch the ditch.
lolchav16: what am i supposed to do once i ditch the ditch? is there some place i should go as shelter from this pit of doom?
fatefulcross: It doesn't seem like creeps are gonna start crawling out of the cavity any time soon, so you can probably just hang out in a bathroom playing sudoku or some shit.
lolchav16: sounds like a good way to evade the crater. 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014

First of all, why are you reading none pizza with left beef?
Second of all, stop wasting the wi-fi.
Last of all, fine. Reach into the hole.
But only one of you.
Three would cause chaos.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

 That's better.
I meant the flashing, not you.
The wall is less glorious, but oh well.
What's that?
How'd that hole get there?
Ugh, we could have readers with epilepsy! This isn't Hamstick, we can't get away with this!
Stop! Stop before I get sued!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Hey, I didn't mean that much, you're blocking my gorgeous view.


Hello gorgeous--
I meant the wallpaper, but hello to you too, poorly coloured doodle girl.
Think we can get a better drawing of you, maybe?